College of PHT & Food Processing

Dr. Archana Arya

Dean, College of PHT & Food Processing
Address: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110.

Mobile: 09897055199 (M)



India is the largest producer of pulses , tea, milk , meat and the second largest producer of wheat , rice, groundnut, fruits and vegetables including potato in the world. Today, one of the main global challenge is how to ensure food security for a world growing population while ensuring long-term sustainable development. Food production will need to grow by 70% to feed world population which will reach 9 billion by 2050. The issue of global food losses has recently received much attention and has been given high visibility . In the light of huge post-harvest losses in the region and new challenges faced under trade liberalization and globalization , serious efforts are needed to reduce post-harvest losses, especially of fruit and vegetables.
Post harvest losses are major problems in India and these are caused by a variety of factors like weight loss, loss of food value, loss of economic value, loss of quality or acceptability and actual loss of quantity due to vermin etc. The reasons for post harvest losses are improper harvesting, inadequate infrastructure, poor handling, lack of storage and packaging facilities and inappropriate transport. Economically, it reduces the farmer’s income and increase consumer’s expenses. Environmentally, food losses and waste inflict a host of problems including unnecessary greenhouse gases emission and inefficiently used water and land, which in turn can lead to diminished natural eco-systems. Use of proper post harvest technologies of perishables and semi-perishables will reduce the waste to a great extent and will add value to the product, generate employment in villages and establish Agro-based industries in rural sectors . The first batch of B.Tech. (Food Technology) has been started from the Academic Session 2019 – 20 with the strength of 40 students in the College of Post Harvest Technology & Food Processing.

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Contact Details

S.No. Name Designation Contact No. Email Photo
01. Dr. Archana Arya Professor & Dean 9897055199
02. Mrs. Mayuri Shukla Senior Assistant 9997815143 fuser
03. Shri. Arun Kumar Technician 8864903252 muser