NAAC Self-Study Report (SSR) 2018-2023


Criterion 1 – Curricular Aspects
Key Indicator - 1.1 Curricular Design and Development
1.1.1 : Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, national, regional and global developmental needs, which is reflected in the Programme outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) and Course Outcomes(COs) of the Programmes offered by the University Click Here
1.1.1 : Additional file (Curriculum adoption process) Click Here
1.1.1 : Writeup Click Here
1.1.1 : Additional file (Exposure Visit, Field visit) Click Here
1.1.1 : Additional file (List of Books) Click Here
1.1.1 : Additional file (Photos LRNG Needs) Click Here
1.1.2 : Programme offered by the institution focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development offered by the University Click Here
1.1.2 : Writeup Click Here
1.1.2 : Programme Offered List Click Here
1.1.2 : Course Syllabus Click Here
1.1.2 : Additional file (Photos employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill) Click Here
Key Indicator - 1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 : Percentage of new courses introduced out of the total number of courses across all programmes offered during the last five years
1.2.1 : Data Template Click Here
1.2.1 : AC and BoM Circular Click Here
1.2.1 : Academic Council Meetings Click Here
1.2.1 : Academic Council & BoM Meetings Click Here
1.2.1 : Course Revision Proceeding Click Here
Key Indicator- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 : Institution integrates cross.cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics ,Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum
1.3.1 : Additional file (Writeup Curriculum enrichment) Click Here
1.3.1 : Description of Courses Click Here
1.3.1 : Photos Crosscutting Issues) Click Here
1.3.2 : Number of certificate/value added courses/Diploma Programme offered by the institutions and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM/e Pathshala/ NPTEL and other recognized platforms (without repeat count) where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years
1.3.2 : How many value-added courses were added during the last 5 years (Data Template) Click Here
1.3.2 : Brochure of value-added courses Click Here
1.3.2 : Value Added Attendance Click Here
1.3.2 : Value added Course Completion Click Here
1.3.2 : Value Added Certificate Click Here
1.3.2 : Value Added Course Student Photo Click Here
1.3.2 : Value Added Course Proceeding Click Here
1.3.2 : Value Added Course Proceeding - II Click Here
1.3.3 : Percentage of programmes that have components of field projects / research projects / internships during the last five years Click Here
1.3.3 : Programmes and Courses approved by AC & BoM Click Here
1.3.3 : Data Template Click Here
1.3.3 : Program and course contents of Research/Field trials/internship Click Here
1.3.3 : Research and Field Reports submitted by students (ELP-1) Click Here
1.3.3 : Research and Field Reports submitted by students (ELP-2) Click Here
1.3.3 : Research and Field Reports submitted by students (RAWE-1) Click Here
1.3.3 : Research and Field Reports submitted by students(RAWE-2) Click Here
1.3.3 : Research and Field Reports submitted by students (Student Internship) Click Here
1.3.3 : List of Students Research/Field trials/internship Click Here
Key Indicator - 1.4 Feedback System
1.4.1 : Structured feedback for design and review of syllabus
1.4.2 : Feedback processes of the institution Click Here
1.4.1 : Data Template Click Here
1.4.1 : Alumni Feedback Form Click Here
1.4.1 : Alumni Feedback Filled Form Click Here
1.4.1 : Employer Feedback Form Click Here
1.4.1 : Employer Feedback Filled Form Click Here
1.4.1 : Student Feedback Form Click Here
1.4.1 : Student Feedback Filled Form Click Here
1.4.1 : Teacher Feedback Form Click Here
1.4.1 : Teacher Feedback Filled Form Click Here
1.4.2 : Students' Feedback Analysis Report Click Here
1.4.2 : Teachers' Feedback Analysis Report Click Here
1.4.2 : Alumni Feedback Analysis Report Click Here
1.4.2 : Employer Feedback Analysis Report Click Here
1.4.2 : University Students Action Taken Report Click Here
1.4.2 : University Teacher Action Taken Report Click Here
1.4.2 : University Alumni Action Taken Report Click Here
1.4.2 : Employer Action Taken Report Click Here
1.4.2 : Action Taken Report-I (ATR TOUR) Click Here
1.4.2 : Action Taken Report-II (ATR TOUR) Click Here
1.4.2 : Action Taken Report-III (Academia Industry Meet) Click Here