Students Corner


The scholarships awarded to University students

Financial Assistance to students

The university has been awarding merit, general, free studentship and student aid fund to the eligible students every year, enable students to get EBL charges and the students belonging to SC/ST and other backward categories will get the financial benefits as per the government orders and provisions.
Further, the scholarships from outside agencies like ICAR / ASPEE / Jindal are also being utilized by the students. A couple of our post graduate students got Inspire awards, ICAR junior fellowships.

Faculty associated with coordination for Scholarships

Contact no.
01 Dr. U. P. Shahi Nodal Officer ICAR 09410228283
02 Dr. Mukesh Kumar Nodal Officer Scholarships 09412831742
03 Dr. Harshit Verma Assistant Nodal Officer Scholarships 07830501681

Financial assistance is disbursed through various types of scholarships/fellowships

  • Award of Ph.D. Scholarship/Fellowship: Rs. 1500 per month
  • Scholarship and fees available from Samaj Kalian, Meerut
  • Scholarship from Mandi Parishad
  • ICAR Junior Research Fellowship
  • ICAR Senior Research Fellowship
  • UGC M.Tech Fellowship for ST/SC students only
  • U.G.C. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST unemployed students only
  • Maulana Azad National Fellowship (UGC)
  • Indira Gandhi National Fellowship (Post Graduate Indira Gandhi National Fellowship for single girl child)

Status of Scholarships awaded 2010-11 to 2017-18

Academic session
No. of Students
Amount of Scholarship dispersed
2010-11 530 Rs.1,29,69,737/-
2011-12 778 Rs.2,82,79,380/-
2012-13 841 Rs.3,70,75,944/-
2013-14 908 Rs.5,01,63,640/-
2014-15 725 Rs.4,22,64,356/-
2015-16 885 Rs.4,85,10,335 /-
2016-17 697 Rs.3,75,96,310 /-
2017-18 597 Rs.2,69,76,910/-
2018-19 670 Rs.3,32,59,460/-
2019-20 697 Rs.3,87,47,810/-
2020-21 862 Rs.3,89,17,635/-
2021-22 991 Rs.4,22,19,309/-
2022-23 1111 Rs.4,80,98,950/-