


The Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding was established with the establishment of the university i.e. 2nd October, 2000, with the aim to impart teaching, research and extension in Genetics and Plant Breeding. The UG courses (GPB) was started from the academic session 2001-02. However, Postgraduate (M.Sc. Ag. & Ph.D.) programme in Genetics and Plant Breeding was started from academic session 2003-04. In addition to teaching, the department has played a pivotal role in crop improvement programme by developing varieties in rice, pulses and oilseeds. The research work which already existed for the development of varieties for Northern Western Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh in 2002 going on wheat, rice, blackgram and chickpea are continued till since the inception of the university. In addition to these crops forage, pulses, oilseeds were also included in the department after 2005 and are in the regular manner. The faculty available in the department is also involved in the extension activities and farmers advisory services time to time. One of the most outstanding impacts of the breeding programme has been the seed production of various crops to supply the quality seed to the farmers of the Western UP.

Presently, the Department is offering GPB courses for under graduate (U.G.) and post graduate (P.G.) programmes with updated and modern course curricula as per the ICAR guidelines. A broad range of carefully designed courses complimented by lectures in other departments appropriately address the academic needs of the students. The Department has facilities for teaching various courses in Genetics & Plant Breeding as required for undergraduate and post-graduate degree programmes. Facilities for the thesis research to students are available i.e. field and labs. There are 3 well-equipped laboratories in the department for teaching and research work. All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on rice funded by ICAR on 25 and 75 percent share basis was sanctioned by the ICAR for the university. The Department has organized four National symposium during 2005 to 2008.

Mandate of the Department

A. Teaching

  • To run postgraduate programme (M. Sc. Ag. and Ph.D.) in the area of Genetics & Plant Breeding.
  • To contribute actively in the under graduate programme i.e. B.Sc.(Hons) Ag., B.Sc.(Hons) Horti. & B.Tech (Biotech.) of the 3 constituent colleges of the university.

B. Research

  • To develop high yielding and disease resistance/tolerance, and with high product value varieties of cereals, oilseeds and pulses crops with the integration of classical and molecular breeding approaches.
  • To evaluate, preserve and protect the germplasm of different crops.

C. Extension

  • To transfer and demonstrate the impact of "Improved Technologies" to Farmer's of the region through various measures viz; technical lectures, technical bulletins, kisan mela, kisan gosthi, kisan divas, T&V, FLD, on station demonstrations, farmer's advisory service etc., to popularizing the improved varieties among the growers.


Laboratories / PG Classroom in the Department

Major Facilities available

  • Molecular Biology Lab
  • Power Point Teaching PG. Class-cum-Seminar room
  • Quality Lab
  • PG Lab
  • Phytotron Lab
  • PG Lab.

Major Equipments available in the GPB labs

  • Real time PCR, fast PCR
  • PCR
  • Gel Documentation system with computer
  • Electrophoresis Unit
  • GLC
  • Automatic DNA isolation &purification unit
  • Deep freezers different range (-20 to -80 oC)
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Orbital Shaker mixer
  • Refrigerated Centrifuge
  • Electronic Moisture Analyzer
  • Trinocular Microscope with CCTV camera
  • Seed germinator
  • Seedling Grwoth Chamber
  • Plant Growth chamber (Phytotron)
  • Biological grade water purifiers
  • Electronic Balances – (0.0001 g to 150 kg)

Courses Program Offered

Dr. Bijendra Singh
Dr. Bijendra Singh
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Hort. - Vegetable Science
Email: drbijendrasingh66@gmail.com
Phone No: 9412631295
Dr. Satya Prakash
Dr. Satya Prakash
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Hort. - Vegetable Science
Email: satyaagro@gmail.com
Phone No: 9412540121
Dr. Sunil Malik
Dr. Sunil Malik
Professor & Head
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Floriculture
Email: drsunilmalik@ymail.com
Phone No: 9412202088
Dr. Mukesh Kumar
Dr. Mukesh Kumar
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Floriculture, Post-harvest Technology of Flowers
Email: dr.mukesh123@gmail.com
Phone No: 9412357992
Profile: View Profile
Dr. M. K. Singh
Dr. M. K. Singh
Qualification: Ph.D
Area Of Interest/Specialization: Pomology
Email: singhmk786@yahoo.in
Phone No: 9412594969
Profile: View Profile

Research and Extension activity
