Dr. Ramji Singh Dean, Post Graduate Studies Address: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110. Mobile: 09451500541 (M) E-mail: singh.ramji@gmail.com
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Consequent upon the establishment of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, the office of Dean Post Graduate Studies was created to run the Post Graduate programmes at the University and the office started its functioning w.e.f. 2003 under the administrative and technical control of the Dean Post Graduate Studies.The Dean Post Graduate Studies has been entrusted the responsibility of planning Post Graduate education at the University in consultation with Heads of the departments and Deans of the constituent colleges and monitoring and regulations of Dean Post Graduate teaching in accordance with the rules and regulations as approved by the academic council. Further the Dean PGS is responsible for the coordination of research of the Post Graduate students and its integration with the thrust areas of research approved by the directorate of research of the University. It is the prime responsibility of the Dean PGS to maintain high standards of post graduate education and research at the university.The office of the Dean Post Graduate Studies basically shoulders the following responsibilities.
- To revise and update the course curriculum of P.G. programmes in tune with the ICAR/ VCI / AIECT recommendations and keeping in view the specific requirements of the state.
- To monitor post graduate teaching and research and to enforce students discipline at post graduate level.
- To develop memorandum of understanding with different institutes within India and abroad for collaboration in post-graduate research and education.
- To conduct the activities such as P.G students admission, registration in courses and other activities, approval of programme of work and plan of research for thesis, appointment of examiners, evaluation of thesis, preparation of report card, providing degrees, selections for gold medals etc. and maintenance of records of PG students.
Right now, the University offers Masters’ degree in 24 disciplines and Ph.D. degree in 20 subjects. For a Post Graduate degree every student has to study a package of courses and do research work and write a thesis. The ratio between the course work and thesis research is 3:2 with a minimum of 45 credit hours at Master’s degree level and ratio of 2:2 with a minimum of 75 credit hours at the Ph.D. degree level.
The courses are divided into 3 parts: core, basic supporting and optional; while one has to opt for a minor package from a related field/thesis topic.
The university follows a multi-disciplinary approach and students are allowed to choose courses considering their relevance with the area of study and interest. The deficiency of a student is made up by offering him remedial courses. The College of Post Graduate Studies has 63 departments & offers the same number of post-graduate programmes.