Director Placement

Dr. R. S. Sengar
Director Training and Placement
Address: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110.
Mobile: 09412472292 (M)
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Besides conventional education, country is progressing towards professional education so as to produce trained and skilled professionals in all walks of life. The agricultural sector has been high on the government’s priority list as it plans to focus on long-term investments and supporting farmers either by additional income or financing arrangements. This will open some new dimensions and job opportunities for students related to agriculture and allied subject like, animal husbandry, poultry, fisheries, horticulture, post harvest management, farm mechanization and biotechnology as well. Directorate of Placement is focusing on wider and far sighted perspective to provide proper guidance, know-how of the jobs opportunities in the field of Agriculture and allied areas and to assist the prospective students. The directorate firmly believes in strengthening the students to the extent that they find and grab the jobs of their choice. We wish that our students should not encounter a handicap and should be self dependent with a prompt and active assistance of faculty, entrepreneurs and visitors to enrich their understanding of preparing impressive resume, interactive group discussion, eye catching interview performance to explore jobs in agriculture and allied sectors like banks, fertilizers, pesticide, farm machinery, seed industries, animal feed and nutrition, floriculture, biofertilizer veterinary pharmaceuticals, sugar industries etc. The need of time is to avail ICT facilities to explore the possibilities of jobs and to interact with organizations. Besides this, startup is the best alternative for agriculture and allied subject students. I welcome the industrialists and academia to this lust green, beautiful campus for sharing their own experiences with our students to help these young graduates to incorporate them in their esteemed organization. I am confident that the Directorate of Placement under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof R.K. Mittal will play a pivotal role in streamlining the job prospects for the students of this University. Directorate of Placement has created all required facilities for conducting group discussion, interactive meeting and interviews by any organization. I wish great success for all the students of SVPUA&T, Meerut.


A. Ph.D Programmes

  1. Agricultural Biotechnology
  2. Agricultural Economics and Management
  3. Agriculture Engg and Food Technology
  4. Agricultural Extension
  5. Agronomy
  6. Animal Husbandry
  7. Entomology
  8. Genetics and Plant Breeding
  9. Horticulture
  10. Plant Pathology
  11. Soil Science

B. Master's Programmes

M.Sc. Ag

  1. Agricultural Biotechnology
  2. Agricultural Economics and Management
  3. Agricultural Extension
  4. Agronomy
  5. Animal Husbandry
  6. Entomology
  7. Genetics and Plant Breeding
  8. Horticulture
  9. Plant Pathology
  10. Soil Science


  1. Agricultural Process & Food Engineering
  2. Biotechnology

C. UG Programmes

  1. B.Sc. Ag & Hons.
  2. B.Tech. (Biotechnology)
  3. B.V.Sc. & A.H.
We look forward to the visit of interested organizations to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut-250110, Uttar Pradesh for mutual, beneficial interactions.


Prospective employers intimate the Director about their human resource requirements from various disciplines of the University. The Directorate thereupon sends bio-data of interested students to the prospective employers. A mutually agreed date for holding interviews either at the university campus or employers’ head-quarters is fixed and the candidates are directed accordingly. For interviews held at Meerut, the University provides free boarding and lodging facilities to the members of the Selection Committee in the University. Arrangement for pre-placement talk, written test, group discussions, personal interviews etc. are also made by the Directorate.


During the last 3 years, the Directorate contacted more than 300 prospective employers. About 35 campus/outside interviews were held and more than 100 students were selected through the Placement cell. Besides this several students got job on their own choice through off campus interviews and get selected in Govt. jobs, SAUs, ICAR, nationalized banks private Universities and colleges, private companies like fertilizers, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, seed, sugar industries etc.

  • Campus interview
  • Carrier counseling and guidance
  • Motivational lectures


Union Bank of India
Union Bank of India
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Syndicate Bank
Syndicate Bank
India Overseas Bank
Indian Overseas Bank
State Bank of India
State Bank of India
Triveni Engg. & Industries
Triveni Engg. & Industries
Crystal Phosphates Ltd
Crystal Phosphates Ltd
Mahyco Seeds Ltd
Mahyco Seeds Ltd
DuPont India Ltd
DuPont India Ltd
Bayer Crop Science
Bayer Crop Science
Thomson Reuters Group
Thomson Reuters Group
ISS Hicare
ISS Hicare
IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd
IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd
DSCL Sugar Group
DSCL Sugar Group
Simbhaoli Sugar Ltd
Simbhaoli Sugar Ltd
NDDB Dairy Services
NDDB Dairy Services
Savannah Seeds Pvt. Ltd
Savannah Seeds Pvt. Ltd
TECHNICO Agrisciences Ltd
TECHNICO Agrisciences Ltd
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd

Team of the Directorate of Training and Placement

Dr. R. S. Sengar
Director Training and Placement
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut-250110, U.P.
Phone No: 09412472292 (M)
FAX: 0121-2888505

For College of Agriculture related placements

Dr. D. V. Singh
Associate Director Training and Placement, (College of Agriculture)
Phone: 09411264592 (M)

For College of Biotechnology related placements

Dr. Shalini Gupta
Associate Director Training and Placement (College of Biotechnology)
Phone: 09412143612 (M)

For College of Horticulture related placements

Dr. Vipin Kumar
Associate Director Training and Placement, (College of Agriculture)
Phone: 09410683648 (M)

For College of Technology related placements

Er. Deepak Mishra
Associate Director Training and Placement (College of Biotechnology)
Phone: 09412484754 (M)

For College of Post Harvest Technology related placements

Dr. Suresh Chandra
Associate Director Training and Placement (College of Biotechnology)
Phone: 09457130397 (M)

For College of Veterinary & Animal Science related placements

Dr. Atul Gupta
Associate Director Training and Placement (College of Vet. and Animal Science)
Phone: 09410229582 (M)