
Dr. P. K. Singh
Director Extension
Address: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110.
Phone: 09411078115 (M)
E-mail: deesvpuat2014@gmail.com, praveen_1966@yahoo.com


The Directorate of Extension is involved in technology transfer and skill development of the farming community in order to improve the livelihood through improved productivity and income. The Directorate is serving the farming community through 20 KVKs and 01 KGK spread in 18 districts comprising of 04 Mandals namely Saharanpur, Moradabad, Meerut and Bareilly. 03 Districts namely Muzaffarnagar, Badaun and Moradabad have 02 KVKs each. The ATIC is situated at headquarter besides administrative building of Directorate of Extension. The Directorate of Extension is functional since 2000. The University aims to assure prosperity of farmers and rural community through diversification, intensification and linkage of agricultural markets including Famers Producer Organization (FPO). The University organizes All India Farmers’ Fair and Agro Industrial Exhibition, Fruit and Vegetable shows, Animal Health Care Camps and impart training to the practicing farmers, rural youth, extension functionaries and government officials/officers on various aspects of agriculture like IPM, seed production of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, diversified horticulture (fruits, vegetables, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants), soil and water conservation and organic farming. The on-line technology dissemination is being implemented to access the information on priority. The University has close linkages with the State Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry, Agriculture extension agencies, ICAR Institutes/Directorate, Agro-input supplying agencies and NGOs existing in the operational area. The University is providing information to the Farmers through Tele Agriculture at District level. Directorate has strong feedback mechanism about technologies being popularized through KVKs.

ATIC (Agriculture Technology Information Centre)

ATIC is a single window support system linking the various units of a research institution with intermediary users and end users (farmers) in decision making and problem solving exercise. Knowledge & information are the most essential inputs of the era & must be effectively communicated to the farmers to respond successfully to the opportunities & challenges of social economic & technology changes for the improvement of agricultural productivity, food security & rural livelihoods. The main objectives of ATIC are -

  1. To provide a single window delivery system for the products and species available from an institution to the farmers and other interested groups as a process of innovativeness in Technology Dissemination at the institute level.
  2. To facilitate direct access to the farmers to the institutional resources available in terms of technology, advice, technology products etc. for reducing technology dissemination losses.
  3. To provide feedback from the users to the institute.

Dr. Satendra Kumar Khari
Professor Horticulture (Nodal Officer, ATIC)
email:- skkhari@gmail.com
Mobile:- 9410888885 (M)
Phone:- 0121-2557900(O)

Kisan Helpline

The farmers help line is established in the Directorate of Extension to provide solutions on the problems faced by the farmers.
Help line services is functional for the benefits of the farmers through its Land line No. 0121-2577900.
The Toll Free number 1800 180 1201 is now working for Bareilly, Meerut, Baghpat districts and Hapur Tehsil of Ghaziabad District. 2814 farmers have been benefited through help line services.

Vision & Mandate

Our Vision

Technology led Extension resulting in improved productivity and enhanced income with local employment to check migration from rural area.

Our Mission

  • Door step delivery of Agriculture and allied technologies.
  • Strong Research and Extension linkage.
  • Employment generation at village level.
  • Attracting the rural youth towards farming.
  • Skill development of all the stake holders related to farming.
  • Use of ICT for faster two way communication.

Our Mandate

  • Capacity building of Farmers, rural youths and Extension Functionaries State line Department.
  • Transfer of technology to the end user.
  • Farm advisory services including weather forecasting.
  • Vocational training for self-employment.
  • Bridge between Research and end users (Farmers).
  • Monitoring and evaluation of Extension activities.
  • Facilitate in planning, implementation, execution and monitoring of Extension activities in area jurisdiction of the University.

Our Presence

  • Directorate of Extension at University Headquarter.
  • Agriculture and information centre (ATIC) at Headquarter.
  • 20 Krishi Vigyan Kendras in 18 Districts.
  • 01 KGK in Bareilly.
  • 01 Training Hostel at Headquarter.

Function and Activities

  • To organize All India Farmers Fair and Agro- industrial Exhibition.
  • Technology dissemination through 20 KVKs and 01 KGK.
  • Bottom up approach in planning Extension activities.
  • Capacity development through training and exposure visit.
  • Coordination with State line Departments in execution of Government thrust programs for Farming community.
  • Providing feedback to Researchers for improvement in technology as per need.
  • Development of Extension literature and Krishi Darshika.
  • Strengthening of Extension activities through Extension Council which is headed by Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor.

Extension Council

The University has constituted Extension Council is under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor. The Extension Council consists of All the Dean, Directors, Head of The Departments, Registrar and Comptroller besides two eminent Extension experts and two progressive farmers nominated by Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor for a period of two years. The Director Extension is the Member Secretary of the Extension Council. The Extension Council needs twice in a year. The main functions are coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Extension activities of the University.

Achievements during 2021-22

KVKs Mandated Activities

  • 1496 trainings with 34104 participants.
  • 4107 Farmers benefited through technology demonstration covering 1395.72 ha area.
  • 232 On Farm Trials conducted for technology assessment.
  • 209165 Farmers benefited through Extension programs.
  • 5652.06 qt seed produced, 192745 no of planting material distributed, 12054 kg of Bio products supply to Farmers.
  • 2516 Soil Health Card provided to the Farmers.
  • 14562 messages sent to 67306 Farmers.

Projects at KVKs

S.No. Name of Projects Name of KVK Funded By
1 National Innovations on Climatic Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Baghpat ICAR, New Delhi through CRIDA Hyderabad
2 Attracting & Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) Muzaffarnagar-I & Saharanpur ICAR
3 Crop Residue Manage Project(CRM) Saharanpur, Bijnor, Rampur, Muzaffarnagar-II Pilibhit Bulandshahr and Shahjahanpur ICAR
3 Crop Residue Manage Project(CRM) Saharanpur, Bijnor, Rampur, Muzaffarnagar-II Pilibhit Bulandshahr and Shahjahanpur ICAR
4 Centre of Excellence Saharanpur, Bijnor, Baghpat, Rampur, Badaun-I and Meerut Uttar Pradesh Govt.
5 District Agromet Unit (DAMU) Shahjahanpur, Bulandshhar and Baghpat IMD, Ministry of Earth Sciences through ICAR
6 Cluster Front line Demonstration (CFLD) on Oilseeds All KVKs ICAR
7 Cluster Front line Demonstration (CFLD) on Pulses All KVKs ICAR
8 Swachta Action Plan All KVKs ICAR
9 SCSP Program Bulandshahar and Meerut ICAR Pusa
10 RKVY Ghaziabad, Rampur, Moradabad-I, Pilibhit, Shahjahanpur, G.B. Nagar and Badaun-I Uttar Pradesh Govt.
11 Establishment of IISR Model Jaggery Unit Muzaffarnagar-I and Meerut RKVY
Manpower at Directorate of Extension
S.No. Name Designation Mobile No. Email Id
1 Dr. P. K. Singh Director Extension 09411078115 deesvpuat2014@gmail.com
2 Dr. Gopal Singh Jt. Director Extension 09412465255 singh.gopal2009@rediffmail.com
3 Dr. Satendra Kumar Professor (Horti.) 09410888885 drskkhari@gmail.com
4 Dr. Mukesh Kumar Professor (Agron.) 09412831742 mukeshsvpuat@gmail.com
5 Dr. S.K. Lodhi Assco. Prof. (Horti.) 09411985380 adsvpuat@gmail.com
6 Dr. P.K. Singh Assco. Prof. (Agron.) 09412830413 pksingh.1374@gmail.com
7 Dr. K.G. Yadav Assco. Prof. (Agron.) 09412830557 yadavsvpuat@gmail.com
8 Dr. S.K. Tripathi Assco. Prof. (Horti.) 09412350248 sktripathisvpuat@gmail.com
9 Dr. Hariom Katiyar Asstt.Prof.(Horti.) 09450105524 omsvpuat@gmail.com
10 Sh. Neeraj Kumar Junior Assistant 09719422204 neerajsvpuat@gmail.com
11 Sh. Rajeev Kumar Junior Assistant 09456040222 -
12 Sh. V.P. Singh A.V. Aids Asstt. 09412830558 gauvvinay77@gmail.com

Krishi Vigyan Kendra

S.No. Name of District Name of KVK Centre Name of Head/OIC Establishment Year Mob. No. Website
1 Saharanpur Khajuri Bagh, Near Numais Camp, New Gopal Nagar, Saharanpur Dr. I.K. Kushwaha 2000 09412376121 http://saharanpur.kvk4.in
2 Badaun-I KVK Ujhani Badaun Dr. Sanjay Kumar 1992 09412368175, 7906354960 http://badaun.kvk4.in
3 Rampur KVK, Dhamora, Rampur Dr. Faiz Mohsin 1992 09719244864 http://rampur.kvk4.in
4 Bijnor KVK Nagina Bijnor Dr. Shakuntala Gupta 1992 - http://bijnour.kvk4.in
5 Muzaffarnagar -I Swami Kalyan Dev KVK Baghra Muzaffarnagar Dr. Anil Kumar Katiyar 1992 09412667101 http://muzaffarnagar.kvk4.in
6 Muzaffarnagar-II Vill. Chittora, Khartouli, Muzaffarnagar Dr. Sanjay Singh 2018 09411986314 http://muzaffarnagar.kvk4.in
7 Meerut Swami Kalyan Dev KVK, Hastinapur, Meerut Dr. Omveer Singh 1992 09412109215 http://meerut.kvk4.in
8 Sahajahanpur Puvaya Road, Niyamatpur, Shahjahanpur Dr. N.C. Tripathi 2000 09450417136 http://shahajahanpur.kvk4.in
9 Pilibhit KVK Tanda Bijeshi, New Area Pilibhit Dr. Reena Sethi 2000 09412853202 http://pilibhit.kvk4.in
10 Baghpat KVK, Khekra, Baghpat Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary 2005 09412311502 http://baghpat.kvk4.in
11 G.B. Nagar KVK Cholas Tehsil Dadri, GB Nagar Dr. Mayank Kumar Rai 2005 09968556926 http://gautambudhanagar.kvk4.in
12 Moradabad -I KVK Rustamnagar, Bilari, Moradabad Dr. R. K. Singh 2005 09412809032 http://moradabad.kvk4.in
13 Bulandshahr KVK Charyaryar Road, Bulandshahr Dr. Laxmi Kant 2009 09411215276 http://bulandshahr.kvk4.in
14 Ghaziabad Muradnagar Dr. Arvind Kumar 1992 09410443028 http://ghaziabad.kvk4.in
15 Sambhal Block Baniyakhera, Tehsil Chandousi, Sambhal Dr. Mahavir Singh 2018 09457826151 http://sambhal.kvk4.in
16 Badaun-II Block Samrer, Tehsil Dataganj, Badaun Dr. A.V. Singh 2018 08765649806, 08630427264 http://badaun2.kvk4.in
17 Shamli Village Jalalpur PO Banat, Shamli Dr. Satish Kumar 2018 09412311504, 09068289571 http://shamli.kvk4.in
18 Amroha Tarapur Block Gajroula Tehsil Dhanoura, Amroha Dr. A.K. Mishra 2018 09719353536 http://amroha.kvk4.in
19 Hapur KVK Babugarh Block Simbhouli, Hapur Dr. Hansraj Singh 2017 09411263753 http://hapur.kvk4.in
20 Moradabad-II KVK Malpura (Thakurdwara), Moradabad Dr. Ravindra Kumar 2020 09412355382 moradabadkvk2@gmail.com

Krishi Gyan Kendra

S.No. Name of District Name of KVK Centre Name of Head/OIC Mob. No. E-mail
1 Bareilly Naveen Mandi Parisar, Pilibhit Road, Bareilly Dr. S.B. Singh 09359972508 -