Student Welfare

Prof. Anil Sirohi
Dean, Student Welfare
Address: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110.
Tel: 0121-2888562
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I am happy to extend warm welcome to the Dean Student Welfare wing of The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut. We are committed to and play a pivotal role in the overall development of students through organizing various co-curricular activities like sports, physical health and education, cultural and literary activities, NSS and NCC. This gives us an opportunity to communicate & interact with all students, identify the talented students in the area of music, dance, literature, arts, social responsibility, audio visual, adventure etc. Thereafter, nurture their individual talents, give them an enabling environment to plan and execute various activities in the said areas and thus make a major contribution towards their holistic development. We meticulously work towards showcasing the latent potential of the students which created a treasure trove of talents and resulted in enthusiastic participation of the university in various all India level competitions. We promote physical education, NSS, NCC besides dealing with students misconduct, and other such irregularities for ensuring discipline among the student community on the campus. Along with the extramural activities, we also oversee and supervise the facilities for comfortable stay of students in the campus including such of the amenities like hostels equipped with modern facilities, canteens, University Hospital etc. Further, the well maintained international hostel with high qualities amenities and a proactive foreign students centre attract many students from overseas. Medical facilities for the students are being provided. The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel extracurricular societies that are now formed will go a long way to promote all these activities.

Mission: To create an environment that proactively anticipates and meets the diverse students needs, cost effectively and in a timely manner.

Vision: To provide excellent and equitable welfare services to students.

Motto: Friendly, Fair and Firm


The Dean Students Welfare provides ample scope, opportunities and facilities for the all round development of personality and leadership qualities of students. Students participate effectively in the management of hostels, food services, games & sports, cultural and literary activities, professional societies under the guidance of staff counsellor. The office of Dean Students Welfare has following mandate
  • To plan and direct, in co-ordination with University officers and authorities, all non-curricular activities for students including, recreation centres, co-operatives, etc., as may from time to time be approved by the University for welfare of students.
  • To supervise the management of students hostels, messing arrangements.
  • To co-operate with the staff in charge of physical education activities, National Cadet Corps (NCC), National Service Scheme (NSS) and other allied activities.
  • To deal, in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty concerned, with student discipline and other irregularities.
  • To supervise health programmes and medical facilities for students.
  • To make arrangements for scholarships, stipends and other such assistance as may be deemed necessary for welfare of students.
  • To be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor in the exercise of powers and discharge of duties under the Act.
Contact no.
01 Sh. C. P. Singh Sr. Assistant 09412510502

Sports & other curricular activities

The student get ample opportunity to express their creative urge through participation in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities for better personality development, through Inter collegiate and Inter university games/ sports, literature, social and cultural meet besides participation in NCC or NSS programmes.


Office of the Dean Student Welfare is instrumental in catering the need of regular games and sports activities for the students in all the Colleges. To encourage the students participation in sports, NSS, NCC, Cultural activities, appropriate weightage is being given for the candidates participating in university level competitions as per regulations governing for admissions in the University. Since inception, University has been conducting the Annual Inter-College/ Inter Hostel sports meet and selection trials/coaching camps for the selection of University Teams for participation in All India Inter University Tournaments under the auspices of AIU at different places of the Country every year. A University Contingent of players is also being sent for participation in All India Inter Agricultural University Sports & Games Meet sponsored by the ICAR. Besides supervising the regular sports & games activities of the Colleges, we have created facilities for sports at our campus including the stadium, indoor games and sports equipments and efforts are being made to further strengthen and develop sports infrastructure and facilities with modern sports amenities.

Faculty associated with coordination for All Games & Sports
Contact no.
01 Dr. R. N. Yadav Associate Dean Student Welfare -
02 Dr. Arvind Kumar Assistant Dean Student Welfare -
03 Dr. Shreya Rawat Assistant Dean Student Welfare -
04 Dr. V.K. Singh Assistant Dean Student Welfare -
Games and Sports Activities Inter Versity Participation 2012-2018

Participation in All India- Agriculture Inter-University Games and Sports Meet

Event Venue Dates Team
11th All India- Agriculture Inter University Games and Sports Meet Marathwada Agriculture University, Prabhani 23rd to 26th Feb, 2010 34 +2 team managers
12th All India- Agriculture Inter University Games and Sports Meet Kerala Agriculture University 16th to 20th Feb, 2011 34 +2 team managers
13th All India- Agriculture Inter University Games and Sports Meet Dr. Punjab Rao Deshmukh Agriculture Vidyapeeth, Akola 16th to 19th Feb, 2012 42 +2 team managers
14th All India- Agriculture Inter University Games and Sports Meet Karnataka Veterinary and Fisheries University, Bidar 6th to 10th March 2013 42 +2 team managers
15th All India- Agriculture Inter University Games and Sports Meet AAU Jorhrat 24th to 28th March 2014 32 +2 team managers
16th All India Inter Agricultural University Sports and Games Meet, “AGRIUNISPORTS 2016” TNAU Coimbatore 22-29, Feb., 2016 35 +2 team managers
17th All India Inter Agricultural University Sports and Games Meet, “AGRIUNISPORTS 2016” CCSHAU, Hissar 25th to 29th March 2017 40 +2 team managers
18th All India Inter Agricultural University Sports and Games Meet, “AGRIUNISPORTS 2017” GKVK, Bangalore 30 Jan, 2018 - 3 Feb, 2018 42 +2 team managers
Games and Sports Activities Inter college/Hostel Participation 2012-2018
  • Annual Games and Sports Meet Spardha (2017-18) was organized in the University Sports Stadium w.e.f 15th March to 17th March, 2018.
  • The Event was innaugrated by Dr. Prabhat Kumar, IAS, Commisioner, Meerut and Trophies were given to the winners in closing ceremony by Chief Guest Mr. S.P. Patel, Meerut.
  • Annual Games and Sports Meet Spardha (2016-17) was organized in the University Sports Stadium w.e.f 6th March to 8th March, 2017.
  • The Event was innaugrated by J. Ravinder Gaur, IPS, SSP, Meerut and Trophies were given to the winners in closing ceremony by Chief Guest Miss B. Chanderkala, IAS, District Magistrate, Meerut.
  • Annual Games and Sports Meet (2013-14) was organized in the University Sports Stadium w.e.f 11th March to 13th March, 2014.
  • University students participated in various events like 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 and 100X4 meter races, Long Jump, High Jump, Triple Jump Short Put, Javelin throw, Disc throw and wrestling.
  • Among the boys, Mr. Vinay Kumar ( B.Sc. Ag Hons.) was adjudged as the best player of the meet on the basis of highest points obtained followed by Mr. Subham Tiwari ( B.Sc. Ag Hons.).
  • Similarly, Among the Girls, Miss Lilesh Singh (B. Tech. Biotechnology) was adjudged as the best player on the basis of highest points obtained followed by Miss Jaya Gangwar (B.Tech. Biotechnology).
  • Trophies were given to the winners in closing ceremony by Chief Guest Mr. Veer Pal Singh, National Hockey Player.
  • Annual Games and Sports Meet (2011-12) was organized in the University Sports Stadium w.e.f 3rd April to 4th April, 2012.
Cultural Activities

We also conduct university level Inter-College Cultural Competitions yearly to identify best talents in literary and cultural activities. Winners are sent to the North-Zone Youth Festival, National Youth Festival and Inter-University competitions.

  • A Music room with modern music equipment was dedicated to University in the premises of College of Basic Sciences during the year 2013-14 to practice and rehearsal of cultural activities.
Glimpses of Music Room and cultural activities

Faculty associated with coordination for Cultural Activities
Contact no.
01 Dr. Raj Kumar Associate Dean Student Welfare -
02 Dr. D. K. Singh Assistant Dean Student Welfare -
03 Dr. Vinita Verma Assistant Dean Student Welfare -
Games and Sports Activities Inter Versity Participation 2012-2018

Cultural and literary Activities Inter Versity Participation 2012-2018

Event Venue Dates Team
12th All India Inter Agricultural Universities youth Festival AAU, Anand 17th to 21st Jan, 2011 23 +2
13th All India Inter Agricultural Universities youth Festival JNKVV, Jabalpur 24th to 28th Feb, 2013 12 +2
14th All India Inter Agricultural Universities youth Festival UAS, Bangalore 13th to 17th Feb, 2014 22 +2
15th All India Inter Agricultural Universities youth Festival NDRI, Karnal 18th to 21st March, 2015 -
16th All India Inter Agricultural Universities youth Festival OUAT, Bhuvneshwer 1st to 4th Feb, 2016 22 +2
17th All India Inter Agricultural Universities youth Festival RAJUVAS, Bikaner 22nd to 25th Feb, 2017 22 +2
18th All India Inter Agricultural Universities youth Festival SVV University, Tirupati 12th to 16th Feb, 2018 22 +2
Celebration of National Festival

Independence Day, Republic Day etc. are celebrated in a befitting manner. Similarly, our NSS volunteers have been participating in National Integration camps, pre-republic day camps, NSS national and state level youth festivals besides the regular activities and special camps.

Glimpses of International Yoga Day Celebrations

Glimpses of Environment Day Celebrations

Glimpses of Inter Collegiate sports meet

35 student participated in the 16th All India Inter Agricultural University Sports and Games Meet, “AGRIUNISPORTS 2016” organized at Tamil Nadu Agriculture University Coimbatore, 22-29, Feb., 2016. The University team performed well and won following medals.

  • Mr. Vikas Kumar, Id No. 2410 of B Sc. (Ag.) Hons., won Gold Medal in Mr. Mukesh Maurya, Id No. 2175 of B Sc. (Ag.) Hons., won silver Medal in Javelin throw.
  • Mr. Mukesh Maurya, Id No. 2175 of B Sc. (Ag.) Hons., won silver Medal in Javelin throw.
  • Mr. Shubham Tiwari, Id No. 2491 of B.Tech.(Biotechnology), won Bronze Medal in High Jump.

Outdoor Sports Facilities

  • A Play ground with 400 mtrs. Standard Track.
  • Football Field (in 400 Mtrs. Track).
  • Hockey Field (-do-).
  • Playground 2 Nos. (small)
  • Volley-Ball Courts 4 Nos. in hostels
  • Volley Court 2 Nos. (In 400 mtr. Track.)
  • Badminton Court (cemented) 5 Nos. in hostels.
  • Basket Ball Courts 1 No.
  • Cricket Pitch in 400 Mtrs. Track.
  • Kabbadi Ground 1 No.
Indoor Sports Facilities
  • Badminton court - 1
  • Table Tennis hall - 1
  • Well equipped Gymnasium - 1
Travel Facilities

To facilitate, travelling by students going to their homes during the semester break and to undertake study tours in different parts of India, railway concession orders are arranged for them.

National Cadet Core (NCC)

The NCC programme is available for all the students of all the Under-graduate programmes. Every male student is required to undergo NCC training during first two years of a Bachelor’s Degree Programme . To implement this programme a NCC Officer is appointed by the NCC authority from amongst the faculty members. The NCC cadets are imparted coaching to appear/pass the NCC “BEE” & “CEE” Certificates which help them in getting commission in armed forces. Our NCC cadets are actively involved in the programmes such as Environment conservation, Literacy, AIDS Awareness, Blood Donation, rescue operation during natural calamities. The NCC cadets are imparted coaching to quality NCC “BEE” and NCC “CEE” Certificate examination conducted by the NCC authority which help them to qualify Combined Defence Services Examinations.

National Service Scheme (NSS):

The aim of this programme is to make students aware of the social responsibility and service for the nation in crisis. A NSS Unit is functioning in the University under a NSS Programme Officer. Regular Camps and Special NSS camps are organized by NSS Unit, organizing different educational, social, developmental, community service programs at Campus and villages. The special training program on different social problems are also organized by the unit as per the directives of the Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India and the NSS Regional Centre from time to time. Besides regular activities of cleanliness, shramdan, tree plantation in the campus, the unit is also engaged in social and community works in their adopted villages. The NSS Volunteers are also successfully participating in different training programs and National Integration Camps, etc. in other Universities with excellent performance.

The scholarships awarded to University students

Financial Assistance to students
The university has been awarding merit, general, free studentship and student aid fund to the eligible students every year, enable students to get EBL charges and the students belonging to SC/ST and other backward categories will get the financial benefits as per the government orders and provisions.
Further, the scholarships from outside agencies like ICAR / ASPEE / Jindal are also being utilized by the students. A couple of our post graduate students got Inspire awards, ICAR junior fellowships.

Faculty associated with coordination for Scholarships
Contact no.
01 Dr. U. P. Shahi Nodal Officer ICAR 09410228283
02 Dr. Mukesh Kumar Nodal Officer Scholarships 09412831742

Financial assistance is disbursed through various types of scholarships/fellowships

  • Award of Ph.D. Scholarship/Fellowship: Rs. 1500 per month
  • Scholarship and fees available from Samaj Kalian, Meerut
  • Scholarship from Mandi Parishad
  • ICAR Junior Research Fellowship
  • ICAR Senior Research Fellowship
  • UGC M.Tech Fellowship for ST/SC students only
  • U.G.C. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST unemployed students only
  • Maulana Azad National Fellowship (UGC)
  • Indira Gandhi National Fellowship (Post Graduate Indira Gandhi National Fellowship for single girl child)
Status of Scholarships awaded 2010-11 to 2017-18
Academic session
No. of Students
Amount of Scholarship dispersed
2010-11 530 Rs.1,29,69,737/-
2011-12 778 Rs.2,82,79,380/-
2012-13 841 Rs.3,70,75,944/-
2013-14 908 Rs.5,01,63,640/-
2014-15 725 Rs.4,22,64,356/-
2015-16 885 Rs.4,85,10,335 /-

Housing of Students
University has 14 hostels including 2 for female students and one International hostel. They offer comfortable and fully secured accommodation to students. An academic staff member works as Warden of each hostel. There are common rooms, dining halls with a Coloured T.V. etc. for their entertainment. The newspapers and magazines are provided in hostels, medical facilities are also provided to all hostel in-mates in University Hospital and Modi Hospital, Modipuram. The Hostel Mess is equipped with refrigerator, water cooler and utensils in adequate quantity. Each hostel mess is run and managed by the students on cooperative basis. During summer vacations annual repairs and white washing is done for the benefit of the students. The students residing in the hostel are to abide by hostel and mess regulations/rules. During tournaments and competitions, the students are expected to be in the proper kit.

Name of Hostel
Mobile No.
Email ID.
Associatete DSW (Hostel) Dr. Pankaj Kumar 09412363596
Gandhi Hostel Dr. Devesh Kumar Yadav 08005359066
Subhash Chandra Bosh Hostel Dr. M. V. Jithin 08937855091
Lal Bhadur Shastri Hostel Warden - 1 Dr. Mohd. Ameer Khan 07587338317
Lal Bhadur Shastri Hostel Warden - 2 Dr. Aditya Kumar 08119908363
Lal Bhadur Shastri Hostel Warden - 3 Dr. Naresh Pratap Singh - -
P. Jawahar Lal Nehru Hostel Dr. Vinod Kumar Varun 09415315333
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Hostel(UG & PG Girls) Dr. Pramila Umaraw 09557339200
New Girls Hostel Dr. Vaishali 09528077774
Tagore Hostel Dr. Vivek Malik 09412492696
Skilled Development Hostel Dr. Jitendra Pratap 09453427932
Type 1 A Block Dr. Virendra Kumar Singh 09412662341
Type 1 B Block Dr Neelesh Chauhan 09412612903
Type 1 C Block Dr. U. P. Shahi 09410228283
International Students Hostel & In-charge INGH Dr. Riaz Ahmad Siddqui 09536810543
Dr. Hargovind Khurana Hostel Dr. Ajit Kumar 09319424409
Dr. C. V. Raman Hostel Dr. Lal Bahadur Singh 09450155766
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Hostel Dr. D. V. Singh 09411264592

Student’s Discipline

A student is expected to reflect under all the circumstances proper respect for order, morality and rights of others and such sense of personal honour as demanded of a good citizen. The University reserves the right to drop any student whose conduct is deemed improper or prejudicial to the good order and interest of the University. The serious cases of indiscipline are referred to the University Disciplinary Committee. The overall discipline at the present juncture is encouragingly good.

Medical and Health Services

The University hospital under the supervision of a part time Medical Officer In-charge is located inside the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut campus in a picturesque locality surrounded by green trees all around. Its primary role is to provide rapid definitive assessment, investigation and treatment for the emergency patients. Following treatment on the University hospital, patients requiring further inpatient specialist care may be referred to the care of an appropriate hospital. The University hospital, serves the Employees, Students, Workers of the University and their families. It is fully equipped with emergency medical treatment facilities and has Part time Doctors work alongside the other Paramedical Staffs to provide care to patients in the unit. At present the hospital has one ambulance, an operation theatre and indoor ward comprising 8 beds for male and female patients. There are separate ward for Male and female student. All the serious cases are referred to Modi Hospital, Modipuram or nearest Government / Private Hospital by special arrangement.

Ambulance Services

Under the welfare scheme of the University, University hospital provide 24 hour ambulance service for the students and employees of the University. The ambulance is fully equipped and is capable of beginning emergency care at the site of incident and through the journey to a hospital.
  • Where the call is placed from
  • The type of emergency
  • Number of people injured and the condition of the injured
  • The caller's name, contact number , and location guidance
Pre-hospital care will be given to patients being transported to the nearest hospital.

Contect Details

Office Staff
S.No. Name Designation Mobile No.
01 Dr. Anil Sirohi Dean Student Welfare 09410275769
02 Sh. C. P. Singh Sr. Assictant 0121-2888562
Hostels & Warden Name
Name of Hostel Name of Warden Mobile No. Email ID.
Associatete DSW (Hostel) Dr. Pankaj Kumar 09412363596
Gandhi Hostel Dr. Devesh Kumar Yadav 08005359066
Subhash Chandra Bosh Hostel Dr. M. V. Jithin 08937855091
Lal Bhadur Shastri Hostel Warden - 1 Dr. Mohd. Ameer Khan 07587338317
Lal Bhadur Shastri Hostel Warden - 2 Dr. Aditya Kumar 08119908363
Lal Bhadur Shastri Hostel Warden - 3 Dr. Naresh Pratap Singh - -
Patel Bhawan Hostel(Completely Closed) Dr. D. K. Singh 09412013825
P. Jawahar Lal Nehru Hostel Dr. Vinod Kumar Varun 09415315333
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Hostel(UG & PG Girls) Dr. Pramila Umaraw 09557339200
Sarojini Bhawan Hostel (Closed for Repair) Dr. Vaishali 09528077774
New Girls Hostel Dr. Vaishali 09528077774
Tagore Hostel Dr. Vivek Malik 09412492696
Skilled Development Hostel Dr. Jitendra Pratap 09453427932
Type 1 A Block Dr. Virendra Kumar Singh 09412662341
Type 1 B Block Dr Neelesh Chauhan 09412612903
Type 1 C Block Dr. U. P. Shahi 09410228283
International Students Hostel & In-charge INGH Dr. Riaz Ahmad Siddqui 09536810543
Dr. Hargovind Khurana Hostel Dr. Ajit Kumar 09319424409
Dr. C. V. Raman Hostel Dr. Lal Bahadur Singh 09450155766
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Hostel Dr. D. V. Singh 09411264592
Chief Warden & Dicipline Committee
Status Name Mobile No. Email ID.
Dean COVAS (Chair Person) Dr. Rajvir Singh 09410816139
Dean PGS (Member) Dr. N. S. Rana 09412476030
Dean Agriculture (Member) Prof. Samsher 09410890472
Dean Biotechnology (Member) Dr. R. Kumar 09410455496
Dean Student Welfare (Member/Secretary) Dr. Anil Sirohi 09410275769
Sports, Cultural & NCC Committee
Status Name Mobile No. Email ID.
Associate Dean Student Welfare (Hostel) Dr. Pankaj Kumar 09412363596
Associate Dean Student Welfare (Sports) Dr. R. N. Yadav 09412631295
Associate Dean Student Welfare (Cultural) Dr. Vineeta Verma 07417005570
Assistant Dean Student Welfare (Cultural) Dr. Debashis Roy 09536229396
Assistant Dean Student Welfare (Cultural) Dr. Jeny K John 09895184253
Assistant Dean Student Welfare Sports(Boys) Dr. Arvind Rana 09412515214
Assistant Dean Student Welfare Sports(Girls) Dr. V. K. Singh 09412547895
Assistant Dean Student Welfare Cultural(Boys) Dr. Ashutosh Tripathi 09588299027
Officer In-charge NCC Dr. S. P. Yadav 09412706231 -
Scholarship Committee
Status Name Mobile No. Email ID.
Nodal Officer, ICAR Dr. U. P. Shahi 09410228283
Nodal Officer, Scholarship Dr. Mukesh Kumar 09412831742
Officers Related to Hosteller Studens
Status Name Mobile No. Email ID.
Officer In-charge, IT Cell Dr. Deepak Sisodia 09997179997
Officer In-charge, Electrical, Dr. Neelesh Chauhan 09412612903
Officer In-charge, House Keeping Dr. Deepak Mishra 09412484754 -
Secutiry Officer Sh. V. K. Kataria 09760740786 -
Post Master, Modipuram Sh. Shriram Verma 0121 - 2576805 -