Dr. B. R. Singh Dean, College of Technology Address: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110. Mobile: 08755815662 (M) E-mail: brsingh2000@gmail.com
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Meerut lies between 28.2 latitudes and 77.7 longitudes in the northern plains of India. The ground is not rocky and there are no mountains. Land is highly fertile and suitable for growing crops. Meerut lies between plains of rivers Ganga and Yamuna, there is no water scarcity as ground water is present. College of Technology Building is Constructed by The Government G.O No: 774/67- d`f’kv- 06 -500 (14) 03 Dated 31-03-2006 Sanction Amount of Rs 1453.32 Lacs. Construction of this building was Started in May 2006 then after wide the Government order No: 267/67- d`f’kv- 10 -500 (14) 03 Dated 08-11-2010 State Government revised its cost to Rs 2197.63. Building Construction was completed in year 2013 with the plinth area of 14626.27 sq.m. The College of Technology, was established during the year 2013-14 and inaugurated by former Honorable President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad on dated sixth March 2014. The Foundation stone of the college was laid down by Dr. P. Das Deputy Director General I.C.A.R, New Delhi on 26th August 2006. This college is an integral part of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Modipuram, Meerut U.P. 250110
The following departments are approved in the college of technology.
- Agricultural Engineering
- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- Agricultural Machinery and Power Engineering
- Postharvest Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Information Technology
- Basic Sciences
There are 07 Professor,15 Associate Professor, 48 Assistant Professor and 1Post College of Technology Dean, sanctioned by the order No: 29/2018/1592/67- d`f’kv- 18 -500 (03) /17, Dated : 11-08-2018. Post of the Dean is sanctioned with the condition there will be no appointment on this post only the senior most Professor of this faculty will look after the responsibility of college of technology Dean. Presently Dr B.R. Singh is looking after the responsibility of Dean college of Technology.
In the academic session 2019-20 course of B.Tech. Degree programme in Agricultural Engineering has been started with the admission of 33students through CATET Examination 2019. In future, six more streams mainly B. Tech. (Civil Engg.), B. Tech. (Mechanical Engg.), B. Tech. (Electronics Engg.), B.Tech. (Computer Science),andB.Tech. (Information Technology) are proposed to be start from academic session 2020-21. At present, the latest syllabus recommended by fifth Dean’s committee (ICAR) is being followed. The main objective of College of Technology is to make provisions of technical education mainly for rural people of Uttar Pradesh to provide best facilities for research and extension in the field of Agriculture Engineering & Technology.